esmaspäev, 13. aprill 2015

The first eTwinning task: Let's introduce ourselves

The first one is to prepare a presentation in which students will introduce themselves. They'll describe their appearance, write about their hobbies, interests and family.
Presentation should end with an activity based on it. It means that partner schools will have to do a taks after watching the presentation to practise the language: a certain grammar or vocabulary aspect or just the understanding of the language.

Esimese ülesandena tuleb igal õpilasel ennast tutvustada. Kirjutada natuke enda hobidest, huvidest ja perekonnast.
Meie klassi ühistööd näevad projektipartnerid Poolast (ZSS nr4 w Limanowej ja Szkoła Podstawowa im. Janusza Korczaka w Komorniki) ja Itaaliast (ICS "G. Colozza" di Frosolone, Frosolone) sellisena:

Created with Padlet

Meie näeme partnerite ühistööd ainult siis, kui oleme arvutiklassis ja õpetaja siseneb paroolidega eTwinningu projekti lehele.

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